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Health Realty Advisors Inc. Announces $38 Million Sale-Leaseback on Behalf of Crozer-Keystone Health System

For Immediate Release HEALTH REALTY ADVISORS INC. ANNOUNCES $38 MILLION SALE-LEASEBACK ON BEHALF OF CROZER-KEYSTONE HEALTH SYSTEM Springfield, Pa. – Oct. 21, 2009 – Michael Goldenberg, President of Health Realty Advisors, Inc., announces the completion of a $38 million sale-leaseback transaction on behalf of Crozer-Keystone Health System. The sale of the property on the Springfield Hospital campus...
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PhillyDeals: Crozer sells realty for better balance sheet

PhillyDeals: Crozer sells realty for better balance sheet By Joseph N. DiStefano Crozer-Keystone Health System dominates the Delaware County medical business. It's a slow-growth market. Medical costs keep going up. But nobody - insurers, patients, the government, or donors - is offering to fund the increase. With its narrow margins, Crozer is rated "BBB-," just above junk-bond status,...
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