Health Realty Advisors, Inc. was founded in 2001 to help health care organizations maximize the value of their real estate assets. Health Realty Advisors is unique in that we can help reduce the number of partners by providing health care executives with expertise across all phases of a real estate project:

  • Evaluate the operational efficiency of existing and potential real estate assets
  • Make informed sales, purchase, and leasing decisions
  • Procure financing options
  • Maximize revenues per square foot of operated space

Prior to creating Health Realty Advisors, Michael P. Goldenberg served as Senior Vice President of Associates’ Real Estate Services Group where he developed and financed in excess of $150 million of health care and other non-profit real estate projects.

Mr. Goldenberg is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a masters in business administration in finance. Mr. Goldenberg’s graduate school education was funded by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, where he provided consulting to rural medical centers.

Outside of Health Realty Advisors, Michael is involved with in the health care real estate community and has served as a moderator for CEO Forum, featuring conversations with executives from Virtua, CHOP, Main Line Health, and Temple.